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Can you sing?

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mrs_overall | 19:24 Mon 11th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
I wish I could. I have been likened to a cat being strangled with piano wire


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I've been told I have a good voice but I don't have the confidence to go with it... :|
May I recommend singing this at full belt whilst doing the housework.........
As I was so shy as a child, and still am a bit, I have never sung a note. I mime very well at birthdays, and funerals etc.
No one can beat Lord Mercury of Lucan... for his singing voice... but housework that's a myth right.
to paraphrase the great Eric -
I can sing all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order
I love singing and have been told I have a good voice, but I don't really mind either way - I just enjoy it. There's a theory that everyone can sing, that it's just a matter of listening and gaining confidence. I think there's a lot in that.

So erin, give it a go!
Yes but I did enjoy it Mrs O
Can't sing for toffee, I used to hate school as we seemed to sing all the flipping time (all girls' school in the valleys) - to make it worse my twin used to sing beautifully.
I can sing. Badly :o(

I have been told I do a good Wuthering Heights though!
'er indoors thinks she can sing.

She can't.
Just a thought, Mrs O, why not ask your accusers when they witnessed a cat being strangled with piano wire. Then report the buggers to the RSPCA. I bet you can sing as well as anyone.
When I was younger, mrs. o. My Primary School Headmaster said during assembly he could pick out my voice over all the others.

I'm tone deaf now and only sing to myself... :-|
Only in the bath.
I sing when in a bad mood so everyone else is miserable too....
i can't sing but people tell me that i hum

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