good deed
my two boys are just back from the download festival,they said the weather was so bad,everything was pure mud,3 to 4 inches in some places,and it was very hard to walk on,my youngest(25)was laughing at a girl trying to walk in it so he said to her 'put your best foot forward,put one in front of the other etc. but she was stuck,so he said to her 'do you want to sit on my shoulders and i will carry you,she said'yes please'so up she went,she said to sons pal will you hold my leg,he thought she was 'pulling his leg'but it turned out she had artificial legs and that was why she could'nt move,son was mortified after all the joking he was doing with her,he ended up carrying her for half an hour back to her tent,she was very much obliged and thanked him.I AM VERY PROUD OF MY BOY.