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cupid04 | 18:58 Wed 13th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
are there several abers with the same silhouette avatar?


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Because Gravatar is broken?
They want to remain dark and mysterious.....or something like that
I noticed that cupid..........sqad is one of them and he has never wanted an avatar.
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perhaps we should organise a befitting avatar for sqad. Any Ideas?
rather than have a jellyman or avatar, it's just 'no avatar'
something wrong, because any number of people who had an avatar now how a silhouette
it's cos it's something different em10....
is it by choice then?
Hi,cupid04, I've noticed that nearly everyone on Chatterbank has an avatar.Just looked at the Quizzes and Puzzles site-quite a lot there have no avatar.Wonder why.I haven't got round to getting one, two years down the line!
We are all narcissistic show offs, with too much time on our hands - I feel I should remove my avatar at the door when I go onto The Listener threads :)
Mine went grey yesterday so I uploaded an avatar. It's been ok since.
Suppose I'll get round to getting it, one day.
Simply haven't found one yet that matches my scintillating personality, good looks, and completely humble modesty...................

Apart from which, in spite of all the advice given over the months I still haven't figured out how to put the darn thing on site.

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