Times Jumbo Cryptic 983 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Times Jumbo Cryptic 983

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horseshoes | 08:56 Thu 14th Jun 2012 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Please explain 1 across to me. I have the answer.

Comedian not owning fezzes - his name's not recalled.

I get the name's not recalled bit is whatsit, but comedian, fezzes ??? Please put me out of my misery.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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So what IS the answer? A bit difficult to explain, not knowing it!
Tommy Cooper wore a fez if that helps
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Sorry. Whatsit.
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Yes Maurice that's all I could think of:-)
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Oh I've just got it!!!

Wit with hats inside - doh!

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Times Jumbo Cryptic 983

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