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VAT forms

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Dee Sa | 11:43 Thu 14th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
I am going to try and get some VAT back on a new computer for a reg blind person where do I get the forms from ? can anyone help ?


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You're meant to fill out a declaration at the time of purchase so you wouldn't get charged the VAT in the first place, you can't claim the VAT back from HMRC, you'll need to go back to the supplier and get them to correct it.


"2.2 Do customers obtain a refund of VAT from Customs?

No. Zero-rating works by the supplier not charging VAT.

If you are charged VAT incorrectly, your supplier may be able to make an adjustment to his VAT records and refund you the VAT. Further details of how this is done are in Notice 700/45 How to correct VAT errors and make adjustments or claims. We do not make refunds directly to customers."
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we bought at Currys and the manager said we were the first to ever ask and all they could do was give us two reciepts one showing how much VAT we had paid.
When we bought one of those beds that go up and down for him we claimed the VAT back but it was so long ago I cant remember how, our first computer over ten years ago was extremely expensive from the US and they only charged us @4%.
Anyway in desperation I rang the tax office and eventually spoke to the VAT for the disabled and they said that we could not claim any VAT back anymore on computers.End of story but it was worth a try.

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