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attn elvis68

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excelsior-1 | 22:56 Fri 15th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
happy anniversary to you.

how has the day gone - bearing in mind your thread yesterday?


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He'd reply, but he's currently trying to sleep....

In the shed :-)
He's at the Travelodge in a single room.
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Celebrating the England win??
Thank you excel it went very well.

I went out and watched the France game and watched the England game at home and had her waiting on me hand and foot!

Ok maybe stretching the truth a bit, she made dinner and fetched my beers
Are you wearing your dinner and beers Elvis
No Brenden, she's well trained lol
You are a bad man Elvis!!
Good man Elvis.
Come on Elvis how much did this little escapade cost you, and was the sub used.
It's cost me £20 so far (pub money) but I think I might surprise her and stay in tonight and cook.

That's if she hurries up with my breakfast, I text her nearly half n hour ago!

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attn elvis68

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