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Cockney_si | 20:01 Wed 20th Jun 2012 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
No spoilers as such but :-

Oh please cat and alfie, check with the phone company which numbers were dialed ;)


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Poor Jean - I feel so sorry for her - I hope that Michael gets his comeuppance very soon, and very nastily! But why did Jean not think to record the conversation? We know she had her phone on her!
Exactly what I was thinking Islasmum but I think they did a recorded conversation storyline last year.
I thought she was going to record it too. It's getting a bit tedious now. They do have a habit of dragging these stories on for too long.
Agree, the storyline has outlived its sell by date, but the acting by Gillian Wright and John Shepherd throughout this sequence has been brilliant. Jimmi Harkishin (Corrie) take note.
yup..getting a bit boring now dragging on too long..give us Michael on a plate...stuffed and ready to spitroast !!
Plus we've got the story of Derek extorting money from wassaface Beale. That's another one that, despite it being a simple call to the police to resovle and the numerous people that know about it, will go on forever. I hate his character.

I think Michael is great though. I wouldn't mind him served up on a plate me ;)
Oooh same here EB, I do like him! Lol
I agree though,it has gone on too long now. I can't figure out how it's going to end though because there is no proof she has given him the money. It.s very frustrating lol
I wonder if he'll have some sort of breakdown or something. Then end up in a pshyciatric hospital with Jean. lol
I don't see it every time...has Jack ever mentioned the conversation he had with Jean when she was talking about the gym investment scheme and he told her there wasn't one?

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