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What a storm....

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Traci66 | 18:04 Thu 21st Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
We are having a cracking storm here, (York), we've got thunder, brilliant lightning and lots of rain, probably won't be long before the electric goes off.
What's it like where you are?


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Pretty speedy with the door fitting crafty.
I've just put my rubber soled sandals on :-(
It was pretty miserable down in South London earlier but it has brightened up now.
I was well impresssed Tony as it wasn't just the door, the whole frame had come away as well.
I just left York at lunchtime today. We had a glorious 3 days and today was horrible. I'm glad we left before the storm lol
Very impressive crafty, frame and door.
It's here ~~~~~~~~~ just as I'm about to go out ;(
Dry at the moment but it has been raining on and off all day. The forecast apparently is for heavy rain and thunder storms all across the country so we'll probably be getting it some time.
The sun is out and it is quite warm!
Nothing but light rain here in South Shropshire. Please remember folks if you do get an electrical storm switch off all your computers and televisions and unplug them. If you get a spike then it can damage them for good.

Can anyone else back me up on this point as am not being too alarmist, I hope?
I think I heard two rumbles in York at most - where was I?

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