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I'm really enjoying '50 Shades of Grey'

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Booldawg | 08:28 Thu 21st Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Not read a page of it. Jackie Collins/Mr Darcy tripe. But the wife is.

This allows me to play Minecraft for hours on end whilst she's reading and still go to bed and get lucky.

Gets my vote.


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errm did you wife tell you it was Jackie Collins/Mr Darcy? I think she might be stretching the truth a bit there....
What it is is derivative nonsense....I read the free sample on amazon.
Not read it yet, but it's there on my Kindle waiting, along with Hunger Games- not sure which im going to read first, probably the latter :-)
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haha woof. No I built up that impression from a brief scan of the back cover. IMO it was about someone having it away with her enigmatic, brooding, complex but passionate boss. A very much tried and tested formula in novels aimed at the female market. Much like Chris Ryan would appeal to low maintainence men.
Are men allowed to read it?
didnt like it gave up half way through but read the last page to see how it ends. God help us there are two sequels !
Comment taken from my FB wall this morning concerning said book.....

Hope you,ve got them on Kindle?!! Hands free!! Lol!! X
47 minutes ago via Mobile · Unlike · 2

Personally I prefer a bit of Game of Thrones!

Lisa x
No she is pretending to read it so you burger off and play minecraft and give her some peace...
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yes I can imagine the sale of AA batteries tripling!

Lol Rowan. Thats a lifestyle I can subscribe to...
S'okay darling why don't you go down the pub for a few pints I'll be fine here

oh good he's gone now where did I stash those malteasers
Do you fancy a Mars bar?
read 1 and 2 currently half way through number 3 brill brill and brill
well each to her own I guess.....
Naughty boy.

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I'm really enjoying '50 Shades of Grey'

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