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Watching the space station in Portugal ..

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Ann | 22:26 Thu 21st Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Hi everyone I'm back! Did anybody miss me? LOL :) Just got back from 8 days jolly holiday in Portugal, where we had a wonderful view of the International Space Station travel right across the valley in a fantastic starry sky .......... now back to leaden, grey, rain filled clouds in England :(
PS Have I missed any gossip? ;)


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I`ve just got back from holidays tonight too. 40 minutes out of Gatwick the Captain did his usual spiel "Ladies and Gentlemen we will soon be landing at Gatwick. The weather`s not great - it`s a bit windy and cold. Today`s the summer solstice and today is the longest day. After today, the nights will start pulling in". Thanks mate - welcome to London!
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We went with Ryanair and they now do a most amusing thing on landing - a fanfare of trumpets "Da-da da-da da-da another early arrival for Ryanair!" - which makes everyone laugh as its sooo naff!
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Hope you had a nice holiday 237SJ? Where did you go?
Welcome back, both of you.
Hi Ann I have left a link for you on last nights SS posting.
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Thanks Wendilla :)

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Watching the space station in Portugal ..

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