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Another genius in the family?

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mrs_overall | 08:16 Fri 22nd Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
This morning over breakfast, Youngest Junior O informed me that some months ago he was placed on the Gifted & Talented register at school. When I asked why he hadn't told me, he said that he thought it was the same thing as Special Needs. This means I have yet another child with brains but no common sense.


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Love it..... at least they have a system for highlighting the children who need a different sort of support... I bet you had trouble keeping a straight face.
Three things:
1. The school should have informed you officially
2. This is a classic case of tautology as gifted and talented mean the same thing
3. Well done him.
At least the genes are consistent.
(Not much of a consolation)
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I think the kids have inherited my brains and their father's common sense gene

Mike, there probably was a letter, but once they disappear into the cavernous recesses of his school bag they are usually never seen again.

(I am feeling a bit chuffed though)
How lovely. I hope he uses his brains. My son has an IQ of 160 and loads of letters after his name, but has never done very much with it. As my boss (who was an MA) said to me once 'I suppose you think I should be pushing back the frontiers of science'. Many years ago, I hasten to add. I did - with all this brain power going to waste, it's a shame really. But then, if they are happy and contented and enjoy their lives what more can you expect or hope for? It is lovely to know that they are gifted.
hopefully he will find a pathway he loves that will enable him to use it...
This made me chuckle : )
hahaha thats made me laugh Mrs. O.

Reminds me when my son was at senior school, they used to get a pink slip if they did something good. He came home that night with the said pink slip, asked what he had done, he said 'all the class got one, for turning up for the fire drill and not bunking off' {:o(

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