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Its been a bad day, and now maybe a kidney infection?

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RATTER15 | 15:15 Thu 14th Jun 2012 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
I had a bad nigh with a back ache giving me grief and waking me up, at 08.30 the dentist phoned for an emergency appointment at 09.30 to have an aching molar pulled, that went ok.

Now I am beginning to think that the back ache could actually be a kidney infection.

The first think I noticed was when Carakeel just put her arm around me and touched that area in my back, I got a sudden sharp pain and then it went again, no problems working yesterday afternoon/evening, When I went to bed the pain started and kept me awake a lot, every time i moved, the pain is pretty much with me all the time but worse if I move at all. The pain is in my lower back to the right. I don't think im feeling unwell, maybe a little groggy from the codeine im taking for the extraction pain. I think im peeing ok, no other symptoms spring to mind. It could just be a pulled muscle.


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i think if it hurts to touch it's unlikely to be a kidney infection
Drink loads of fluids.....................
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I feel like ive been kicked in the back. It just doesn't feel muscular, I could be wrong.
I think you have most likely stretched a muscle RATTER, does your job involve any heavy lifting. By the way have you heard anything yet about the new job ?
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Hi Tony, yes my job does involve lifting.I think it is a muscle problem.

Im waiting on the CRB for new job, its looking good :-)
Has I say RATTER probably a stretched muscle, sometimes the pain isn't immediate. Glad to hear the job is looking good. :-)
when i have had a kidney infection in the past i have had a fever, boiling hot then shivering, was almost on top of the gas fire at the time.
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Im fairly sure its just a pulled muscle. I had to stay off work, I must be getting old!! I usually average about one day a year off sick, I think ive had 3 days off this year. Not good!
Sometimes you can tear a ligament in your back and not notice it as muscles take over it's duties automatically. However when the muscle are fatigued and overloaded they can go int spasm, perhaps after a day or so.
Have you got a decent back support to help with lifting? Had a similar pain after hefting a large mattress and I found one helped.
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I will just rest up for a couple days, Im sure it will be fine.

Thanks for advice.
Hope you have a better night ratter xxx
Just to let you all know that ratter is feeling a lot better. He still has a little discomfort, but the bad pain suddenly went. So glad! Hate to see him feeling so rough!
I hope that he feels better soon and that the CRB thingy comes through quickly for his new job.

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Its been a bad day, and now maybe a kidney infection?

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