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For anyone in the East

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Barmaid | 14:18 Sat 23rd Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
The Red Arrows just did a low pass here over the lake in 5-4 formation. Heading East - on the way to Lowestoft from Yeovilton I guess.

Fantastic. My timing was perfect, I'd just gone for a nosy round the front garden.

It's the little things!


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baza, yes....and they have red, white & blue smoke coming out of their backsides
14:24 Sat 23rd Jun 2012
I live a couple of miles from coningsby and tuesday is our day for the typhoons to chase each other and try to knock our chimney off. The lancaster always flies low all around woodhall spa, and the spits do all sorts of scary stuff on sunny days, and , i have seen the vulcan bomber land and take off twice at coningsby, that is the most beautiful plane, like a butterfly.
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The vulcan is magnificent - although it's a chuffing big butterfly!!!!

We had a Spit and a Hurricane do a pass over the lake earlier in the week - we are quite lucky because one of the pilots lives near here so we do get to see them quite a bit. Lovely planes, you are very lucky percy.
yes barmaid,
i love planes and often sit in the spotters car park at coningsby and watch the boys ( and girls) taking off. i have been lucky enought to be invitied to the open day two years ago, and saw the typhoon and the really beautiful lightening at close quarters. also saw 15 typhoons come in from some fly past, they were in the "V" formation, did a circuit of the field, then peeled off three at a time to land, and hurridly went into their bunkers. Magnificent stuff, just love it.
Anyone know of a quiet road we can just sit in the car on the grass verge, have a cuppa from the flask and see the flying displays from the Waddington airshow next weekend? We can't afford the price of the tickets, but would dearly love to see the Red Arrows.
my late father worked on vulcan bombers when he was younger in the airforce.

as a small boy i was in awe of their immense size and power
Fantastic day spent at the Lowestoft Air show. The sun shone and the rain stayed away. The displays were great and the Red Arrows were superb. I hadn't seen them for a few years now and had forgotten how much I enjoy watching them.

Good time, friendly crowd and only £3 per head donation. Well done Lowestoft.
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From experience of attending the Waddington airshow Ann, most of the roads are coned. The traffic is normally terrible too.
Thanks BM I thought the roads might be packed! Will just have to hope they fly over our house then, they sometimes do when there is a show in the East, it depends where they have been before.
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Ann - you can normally tell if you might see them if you look on their website and go to Transit times - tells you precisely when they are leaving, where from and where to.
BM - I haven't seen the Transit Times tab on their website, just looked and still can't spot it. Could you please send me a link, it would be so useful (and exciting!) Many thanks x
Ah yes got it! Under Team News - thanks!!
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Sorry, I didn't explain that very well - it's under Team News and is updated once a week (I think).

I've just looked at the prices for Waddington. Oh my word, for two of us and one child it will be £68! That's without food, programmes, petrol etc. We were going to go to Lowestoft today but I don't actually fancy sitting on a beach facing the North Sea in the pouring rain.
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My link doesn't work! Sorry. Look under Team News though - you should find it there.
The link works fine this end, thanks BM.
Yes I know the prices are high at airshows, but if you park somewhere not too far away from the show you should be able to see most of the airborne displays - just miss out on the runway events and stalls, which are generally not worth seeing anyway. Would they fly right over Lincoln? Lunch at an outside cafe watching them flying over sounds appealing! When the Fairford (RIAT) show was moved to Cottesmore for a couple of years as their runway needed repairs, we did pay to go, but the second year we decided it was far comfier to take our relaxer chairs (it was a hot day) and although we had paid, we sat out outside the car in one of the car parks on the hill. We lay back sunbathing and watched the display above us! likewise when it was families day at Cottesmore we joined hundreds of others parking on the grass verge near to the end of the runway gates and spent the day there free (with crossed legs though, no loos! :) took our flask and sandwiches - it was great!

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