Due to legal threats by solicitors for several magazine publications under 1 or 2 names, they have had to close their site.
Sad times!
My take on this ...
1] money squeeze/jealousy.
2] petty referral to proprietor by comp entrant (also self defeating).
Great site when you were really stuck - I think Real People were the first to close down - very sad - Cannot see much difference between AB and Ask Jeeves etc.
I sent my commiserations to Marina's website last week. I was told that lack of finances to fight the might of the corporate lawyers and a chronic health problem were the main reasons for closure.As a life- long comper I fail to comprehend the detrimental effect of such a wonderful time saving site on distribution figures.What a damn shame.
I think its a crying shame that Marina had to close down it was only a bit of fun and I often used the site as I am useless at sudoko I do hope Marina reads this because the people who used your site really miss you and thank you for all the help previously given.
soemone obviously complained to the magazines why ?