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An apology to High Wycombe

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McMouse | 15:43 Mon 25th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Went to High Wycombe with Mrs McM on Saturday and had late lunch followed by theatre. Have previously cited HW as being about the worst place in England (apart from Watford) but on this occasion found the place free of rubbish, well behaved children and youths and helpful local residents and shop assistants.


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Are you sure it was HW ?
Was the queen paying a visit?
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Quite sure alba, though I was surprised by the experience. No sign of HM the Q rowan, I think she usually shops in Slough.
on behalf of High Wycombe, I accept your apology and invite you not to cast further aspersions based on inadequate data.
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What's more it was raining when we left the theatre and rather than take the train home we took a taxi and we NOT ripped off.
Many many moons ago, my brother used to live in HW. It was quite pretty and nice then.
i don't believe you

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An apology to High Wycombe

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