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4 x 4 aint kooool

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tamborine | 01:49 Wed 27th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
A Subaru with sirens, flashing blueys and officers chauffering lil Nathan to school is real kooool. What say you ?


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surely this is a waste of police time, how about hauling the parents in for an ear bashing.
It's not always the parents fault.
Methinks that Brad, Levi and Chardonnay are much more likely to skive school given this scenario, just so they can rock up at the gates in a squad car believing that they look/are uber cool.

What a waste of money. If they don't want to go to school and be educated then leave them to it, let them stay ignorant.
And then they stand much less chance of getting a job.

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4 x 4 aint kooool

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