I work from home and space is incredibly limited. The money, however small an amount, was much needed and still is. They are indeed in the way and are stored in a corner of my hallway, wrapped up in duvets (!!), awaiting her contact and courier and have been for 4 months. One is larger than the other and my elderly mum has had several near misses with them. I can see the sense of what everyone here has had to say and am really grateful. I will seek legal advice as this is not a familiar situation for me and to be honest, I am really annoyed about it all, from start to now, so....any further info, please keep it coming. I want to operate within the law and my customer service is important to me but on this occasion I am very angry, enough to make a stand on it if possible. If she were to be rude on social networking, I would be livid. I do have site settings set to be able to moderate any posts first, thus I should be able to manage that and respond via
Site Rules accordingly, if there were to be any angry abuse?