UK patients are suspicious of anything that one has to pay for in Health Care.
"If it isn't free, it's a con....."..........well it may be but not necessarily.
\\if it's the screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm, it's available on the NHS\\\
To my knowledge, there is only one pilot scheme in the UK which offers free abdominal aorta screening........I stand to be corrected.
Many abdominal aortic aneurysms are symptomless until they burst and then the mortality rate, even with bypass or stenting in a good vascular unit is greater than 50% mortality.
Not good odds.
If an abdominal aneurysm is found on screening, then it may well not need any treatment as there are NHS guidelines for further management which may or may not include surgery.
Yes.....Life Line Screening IS a business.....medicine IS expensive.
If you are a smoker, over the age of 55years, have a family history of cardiovascular disease, a high cholesterol or you are fat, then you have an increased likelihood of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
It is is you money.......the choice is yours.