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Tiny bit excited!

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sherrardk | 21:43 Wed 27th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Kids all in bed, bags packed, uniform ironed for when we get back, cider in fridge for when we get back and even got space for my pillows in the suitcases - holidays here we come .

(PS - sorry to anyone having a crap day)


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AYG - himself bought it (cost £70 quid for enough for 2 weeks, you'd have thought they would be giving it away considering the rubbish weather).
sounds fantastic sherr.
Grrr! I'm jealous! My daughter is just getting ready to leave for a week in Jersey with her dad too - and I'm spending the next week at work as usual :( Have a fab time Sher - do you not need a whole case of suncream for all those lovely children of yours? ;) xxx
Sherr. Have a fantastic time. Have fun and deserve it..Ma xx
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We have the super strength stuff for thing 1 because she is so pale and both things have those all in one sun-go-away swimming things.
and it's lovely and warm- friends in Barca at the moment....almost too hot in the mountains.
I hope you have a brilliant time.

However, I am ever so slightly disturbed that I think I must have missed a school holiday so our contact changes and I have no ****** idea!
Oh bums DT. I`m still filling in forms for the wet and windy Scilly Isles. :-(
Have a great time sherr, you deserve it.
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Thank you all, but I don't deserve it any more than anyone else (himself is convinced that a sunny holiday will help boy #2 with his ears and save him having to have to grommets). Just hope there isn't sprout salad like last year.
and we'll be here for when you get back...

Sher, have a wonderful time, you deserve it.
Have a lovely time with your family Sher and have a safe journey :)
You will all love Ibiza. We did. Have a fab time Sher and family.
Which part are you going to? We're going for a week in July. Have a great time!
Question Author
Up at stupid o'clock - going to Balansat Apartments.
wish it was me,have a fantastic time.

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