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In this village

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dotty. | 22:07 Wed 27th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
there is a smart semi-detached house that was vacant and up or sale as the man who owns it was killed in a car accident last year. He was seperated from his wife and children but they are all his beneficiaries. The house was taken over by travelers last week and the estate agent informed the police. Nothing seems to have happened, the For Sale sign has been chucked over the hedge. Now there seems to be a growing worry in the village that any empty property will be taken over.
The local Conservative Club seems to have gone untouched though.


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The conservative club is empty too then ?
That is awful, I hope they don't wreck the house. I do think that the Police should involve themselves when unlawful entry is made on unoccupied houses. Maybe the wife has approached the solicitor to get them out.
B*st*rds....... keep on to the police and the council.
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yes the con club doesn't see much action, the british legion is a busy old place though.
the law should be changed so that all illegal entries in vacant properties can be delt with swiftly by nipping it in the bud so to speak by the local constabulary.These people will cause thousands of pounds worth of damage no doubt and the lily livered police will stand by and let them.
Shame it wasnt the Conservative club with Dave inside let him see what the rest of us have to put up with.

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