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Best reply in CB ever..........

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dotty. | 01:46 Fri 29th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
'That's most of the problem on here. Instead of triple firsts in physics we settle for passes in How not to Upset People who are on the Commode. It's a noisy business and thank god for modern porcelain with high sides. '


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What was the question?
There doesn't need to be a question, its in Chatterbank.
O.K. ratter. What's the original statement,observation, or link to the thread?
Great quote Dotty, who's answer was it?
sounds like a sqad special
before my time
Awww miss Whiffey :-(
I think Dabees Q in news might have triggered a search.
Me too :(

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Best reply in CB ever..........

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