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Gold Rings

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Hopey79 | 10:58 Fri 29th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I wear a gold ring, when i rub it on my finger it leaves a black mark, but not where i wear it. Can anyone tell me why? I thought it might be a reaction with the hand cream i use, but i t happens with all types. TIAx


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They say when this happens, it is not real gold, just plated.
Try giving the ring a god clean and see if it still does it. If you wear the ring every day, it will get dirty just like anything else.
Something here may help.
Won`t be your problem but when I was on HRT and drank red wine my skin would turn black anywhere near gold, white gold and silver. Stopped when I came off HRT. Still drink red wine with no problem.
So a reaction to something in your body?
Almost all gold used in jewelry making isn't pure. 100% gold would be far too soft for rings and would be easily marked and damaged. And it would be far too expensive for most people. So other metals are used to eke it out, so to speak. 9 carat gold, for instance, is only 37.5 % gold

Its likely that the black stain is coming from one of these metals. Nickel, Zink and Copper are commonly used.

Same goes for silver.

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Gold Rings

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