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It drove me bonkers!

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Tilly2 | 08:20 Fri 29th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
As it's the summer holiday for me and I don't have to return to work until September, I offered to become a volunteer at the local charity shop.

I went for my first three hour stint yesterday and really did not enjoy it. It was such a tip, as you would expect with bags of everything everywhere. The people working in the shop were really nice and didn't seem to mind the disorganisation and the mess.

I am a very organised and tidy person and wanted to sort out the filing cabinets, the books, the knitting needles etc but one of them said,'Oh, you're not one of those are you, likes everything in order. None of that here.'

It drove me bonkers being among all that mess. Should have realised what it would be like.

I came home feeling very uncharitable and thinking, 'I'm not going again.' but I will, probably.

Should I stick it out, or look for something else to do with my time?


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Be very careful what you put on your workbench then Tony! Don`t want guys with missing bits in the coven. x
Do they take knitting needles? I have a big load all sorted into their correct sizes and tied with bits of wool or elastic bands so they won't come apart again. I would dearly love to get rid of them as they are surplus to my requirements but the local charity shop will not take them because they have points on them and could be used as weapons - yes I know, I find it ridiculous too, but what can I say?
I used to be like that, I'm a paid assistant in a charity shop, used to drive me nuts. 3 years later the've worn me down, I do what I can, but it is never ending, you no sooner have a clear floor than you get lots of donations or a delivery and your back to square one. You get to the point you don't notice it anymore. Good luck, I'd love you at our shop, but it would drive you nuts.
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Sorry Tony, don't do benches. Too many unidentifiable bits of rusty metal on them.
Sounds like an AB Charity shop would be a hit.
I have wondered (or wandered) about being a volunteer in the shops..but...
when perusing..heard the chatter between the volunteers, it has put me off..
some of them are so bitchy...especially complaining about new volunteers...
marking things up wrong, pricing..WELL excuse me!! Show them for

Also I am surprised you mention knitting needles..I have heard people ask for them and crochet needles, but to be told the shops are not allowed to sell them.

Good Luck...
Always careful, gness. lol
Volunteering is fraut with danger as no-one is "managed" as closely as they would be in paid employment and everyone is thanked for turning up no matter how disorgnised they are, or (as chi-chi says) how much then run each other and their customers down.

No point in trying to change thinsg for the sake of a few months; instead offer your organisational skills to someone who wants them.

Enter your postcode in here for new ideas
^^^ fraught!
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Thanks, maidup. I've had a look at that site. Some interesting things to do there. Particularly interested in teaching English to an Asian women's group. That might be a bit more up my street.
An organised and tidy person? I need you in my life! I am a charity case.
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How can I help you Mike? Have you got bin bags and a shredder?
There are plenty of charity shops around these days. Indeed, our High Streets seem full of nothing else ! Sign of the times I suppose.

So try another one. I am always wandering into these places, on the lookout for econd hand books. The ones run by the British Heart Foundation, and SCOPE seem the best organised.
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Thanks everyone. I'll see how Tuesday goes.

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