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Wimbledon Strawberry price

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robert551069 | 17:16 Mon 02nd Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
The price of one strawberry in 1975 was £1.
What price is being charged this week, please?


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Over £4 according to this article

£4 - only if bees disappear it says.

10 berries for £2.50 this year according to this..
Wow, strawberries have reduced in price dramatically since 1975!!!

A punnet of at least 10 ( with cream) currently costs £2.50.
Previous prices include -
£2.25 per punnet from 2009
£2.00 - 2003
£1.75 - 1995
£1.60 - 1990
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Thank you for your prompt and helpful replies, wolf63, slaney, ABerrant

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Wimbledon Strawberry price

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