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masma | 19:50 Mon 02nd Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Don't some people make you mad!!!


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that's why we prefer our dogs
oh yes.

especially when they do not bother to answer one's question.
somedays they do.
The people / companys that get me annoyed Masma, are the ones that try & rip people off grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
then twr i hop you're watching ch4 at the moment!
Could you be a bit more specific?
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How true Sibton!
Just being a bit over sensitive I guess bookbinder, I put a post on earlier asking about a boiler for my daughter and saying that it needed to be reasonable as she's short of money. I got a reply saying that if she were on benefits she could get all sorts free. She isn't, she has to work hard trying to keep herself and her little home going.
Totally agree masma - that makes me so mad too!
Yes, I did watch it Bedknobs, they are devious basds, I've just succeeded in getting one over on one as said on a earlier post. ( ZAMONO)

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