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The Sunshine Boys

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Dee Sa | 07:37 Wed 04th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I have won two tickets for above .It stars Danny de Vito & Richard Griffiths both of which I like. Chief Stout [ Mr S] doesnt want to go because they dont have audio description so I shall take a pal and make a night of it.
Wonder why its not doing well ? because they dont give away tickets as prizes if they can fill the theatre with paying punters.


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just have a good time Dee. i reckon it's a bonus justto do something like that. so you enjoy yourself.
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thank you lady j
Dee x
it had very good reviews, or at least Danny de Vito did, have a good night.
Have just read a couple of reviews. Sounds like you are in for an absolute treat Dee.
well i for one wish i could go with you. sounds good to me.
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I won the tickets in the local rag, they are valid mid week only so will set a date with pal and after we have been will report back.

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The Sunshine Boys

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