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Kidnapped or shot in Iraq

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lankeela | 00:24 Wed 30th Nov 2005 | News
12 Answers
Are any of you actually surprised that these people have been kidnapped or shot when visiting Iraq? Sorry but I cannot feel sorry for them - they must surely know what sort of risk they are taking? They also put other peoples lives at risk if they try to rescue them.


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Surprised that people are kidnapped? No. Feel sorry for them? Of course! People don't derserve to be tortured and killed because they've gone to somewhere dangerous, and it's not as if these are people who have decided to go there on holiday or for a bit of a laugh. Most are on some sort of humanitarian project, or journalists, or people helping to rebuild the infrastructure of the country which is all necessary.
They think they are spies. I would certainly not go to Iraq. People tend to think they are special because everyone believes they are special but the truth is they don't know you so they think the worst of you.
I know Norman Kember. He is not and never has been a spy. He is a very genuine man who believes wholeheartedly in peace. He is a committed Christian who does a lot of voluntary work for many charities. He does not deserve what has happened to him.
Shame they didn't kidnap Jeremy Clarkson when he was there.!!!!!!

I think individuals have to strike a balance between staying safe, and trying to change the situation by physically 'being there'. Obviously committed pacifists like Mr Kember and others feel they have to make an effort to resolve the situation, and they can only do that by physically being there. They are aware of the risks, and accept them as part of their task to try and make a difference.

I am not actually surprised that this kidnap has happened, it's a classic propaganda / warning exercise, but my sympathy lies entirely with the individuals concerned, and I hope they are released without harm as soon as possible.

While watching this article on the news last night I couldn't help reflecting on the courage of this man who obviously has very deep beliefs in what he's doing. How we all just trundle along with our lives going to work , waiting for the weekend - wishing our lives away in a sense- and this guy actually stands up and says -this is wrong , I must do something about it - and then gets up off his bum and does.

Remarkable man , I hope he comes out of there alive.

Obviously you've got to keep yourself safe as possible when doing something where there is a possibility of attack involved, but are you then responsible if the attacj actually happens? Reminds me of the recent, drink + sexy clothes = responsibilty for being raped arguments
Galltin, you just said what I was thinking. This world would be a far worse place without altruistic people like him in it prepared to take such huge risks and trying to make a difference.
The last person I spoke to who was going to work in Iraq wasn't really too concerned about death by shooting, car bomb or anything else. He said to me that you're infinitely more likely to die over there due to a car accident/being run over. Bad driving rather than anything sinister or terrorist related.

Still, you're inifinitely less likely to die of a car crash HERE as opposed to there, and even less likely to be shot, bombed, kidnapped or anything else here as compared to over there.

It's definitely not a choice I would make to work there and I wish anyone over there a safe return.

The organisation which he is involved with (Christian Peacemakers) have just said in the radio that they absolutely do not want any kind of armed attempt to rescue the hostages and that those who go are aware of and accept the risks.

I am not surprised at what has happened and am dubious about their ability to achieve anything but you have to respect their beliefs and courage

Iraqi's do not want Christian do gooders.
funnywebsite, where is your evidence for that statement?

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Kidnapped or shot in Iraq

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