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It's going to be one of those weeks.

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Traci66 | 12:05 Tue 03rd Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
On Nana duty this week, got four year old grandson to stay. Also tenants left on Sunday, just been in and am now frantically trying to find a cleaning company that can come in before the weekend and sort the place before the new tenants move in. Why do people think that if they rent property they don't have to leave it spotless when they leave?


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I hope you got a deposit and can take the cleaning costs out of that.
why are the tenants leaving?

I do hate it when people dont clean up, I suppose thats how they lose their deposit money!
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Got a deposit, they will not get all that back. They have left because they have split up.
I dont understand why people do that, its so disrespectful.
Hi traci! Hope you are well!! Hope you get that sorted! If i was near by id have came round with the bleach lol

Hugs xxx
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Found a company to do the cleaning, they came last night and did the lot, they were excellent and not too expensive, carpet cleaner is coming tomorrow morning at 7.30, tenants coming in at 1.00pm, still at least it is rented out and not sitting empty.

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It's going to be one of those weeks.

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