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San Diego 4th July Fireworks Go Off.... All At Once!

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AB Editor | 08:34 Thu 05th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
A computer error meant that instead of the 15 minute fireworks display proceeding in the normal fashion, they all went off at once:



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It's probably going to be more memorable to people as that short-lived blast than if it had been like every other display that goes on for ages.
08:59 Thu 05th Jul 2012
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Warning, LOUD:

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Warning, CLOSER:

There's a lot to be said for the light blue touch paper and retire route.
O dear - the words "the Final Countdown" come to mind!
whoops !!
goodness, I hope Clanad is okay - he lives somewhere way out west
It's probably going to be more memorable to people as that short-lived blast than if it had been like every other display that goes on for ages.
The technician's name was Sparky
Ha ha
A "Shock and awe" display :-)
even more spectacular than the Oban fiasco last year.....
Surprised it wasn`t Gness, DT.
I didn't know that your dubious talents extended to pyrotechnics, gness. Please don't go for any visit to the Royal Arsenal........
oh dear.
I think both those displays look fabulous...much better than piddling about for half an hour.

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San Diego 4th July Fireworks Go Off.... All At Once!

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