Question Author
Many thanks, New Judge, for that informed answer. Frankly, I am appalled that the police and other officials have been given such powers, especially since commonsense should tell anyone that they will not prevent or discourage terrorism.
So now I know. If I go to Scotland by air I will carry a passport to get on the aircraft but will refuse on principle to show it at the other end. I will wait out the nine hours and write a piece about it for publication. Protests against such interference with our rights have got to start somewhere.
Or...I will go by coach, train, car or private boat. Apparently terrorists never use such conveyances. What a load of tosh.
Whiskeryron -- the nation had that argument a few years ago and we lovers of freedom won it. You may remember that after WWII the government proposed to retain Identity Cards but public outrage at the idea forced them to drop it. Presumably that generation had more recent memories of the freedoms we (well, my parents' generation) had fought for and weren't going to give them up at the whim of a bunch of politicians.
Sadly, we seem not to be made of such spirit any more.