hi, i am 15 and i have suffered from a severe concession from hockey.About 5 months after the concession i recovered. Sometimes like 3 times a week maybe ill recieve some of the symptoms i had from my concession. i mostly get symptoms when doing physical acticity. I seem to get lots of head aches everday. when i do physical activity i get really dizzy and slow, my vision starts to blur and sometimea i cant remember what im doing or where i am, thats how confused i get. im just wondering what i could have. could i have my concession still? or is it post concession syndrome or do you have any other ideas i am kinda worried. if you can help me and give me some ideas that would be great, thanks
sqad I think he means concussion.(spell checker strikes again) The question was posted, I think, in advertising and he was advised to see his doc if it was post concussion, also to repost in body and soul, but he has cut and pasted and included the mistake.
billy....I need to know much more about your head injury....were you ever unconscious? were you hospitalized? did you have an MRI scan.
My bet is that the answer to all three questions were in the negative and if so i would agree with the other posters.....a post concussion syndrome, so see your GP.
i was unconcious for 4 hours. i stayed in the hospital for a few days, but the hospital was to busy for a MRI scan, and yeah everday now my symptoms get worse idk if its a concussion again or What The Funicular it is. but i really dont want to go see my doctor again i told him i was fine because i want to play hockey again
I spy a troll. If OP told his doctor he was fit because he wanted to get on the field again, more fool him - he's clearly not well. If he won't go back to the doc (if he is real) then we can't do anything either.
I do not wish to sound unsympathetic but really it's your own fault for trying to play a girly game. Get yourself down amongst the rugger buggers, to whom the brain is a mere appendage like the appendix; can be safely removed without any lasting ill-effect.