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woolleysheep | 16:30 Sat 07th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
anyone been there. has it changed from 25 years ago and what nationalities go there


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Went there 15 years ago, and also last year.. And now going back to exactly the same place we went to last year in a few weeks time! If you do Salou, you have to do Porta ventura! :-)
18:23 Sat 07th Jul 2012
I went to stay with a friend who was doing some work in Barcelona and his company put him up in Salou. It`s a dump (IMO). The only good thing were the two Brazilians in the bar next door to the hotel who mixed the best Caipirinhas.
I was in Salou 12 years ago at this time... Can't really tell you that much about it since I was only 9 lol! I enjoyed it though! :-)
I haven't been for ages...................last time I went it was full of very tall Dutch men (which was nice)
i have been twice,last time about 8 years ago,i loved it,nice and clean place,where i was anyway,few dutch and germans there.
Ahh Salou, I was there about 30 years ago and it brings back lovely memories.
We had a fantastic time and there were all nationalities there then. But they were no problem.
Went there 15 years ago, and also last year.. And now going back to exactly the same place we went to last year in a few weeks time! If you do Salou, you have to do Porta ventura! :-)
beat u all I was there about 35 years ago, it was a new resort with a nice promenade then but then I have never been back to Spain since so that speaks volumes ! holidays in Spain are soooo predictable & boring, widen your horizons folks. and never ever go to Bendidorm !

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