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firewatch | 20:07 Sun 08th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
home alone 2 dogs and a not tired toddler grrrrrrrrrr hubby is STILL working on the bloody car at his parents (over an hour away!) so not fun!!!


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Playpen/Headphones ...
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lol dogs are going up at 10 they know thats there bedtime, the toddler had a sleep today not a good idea so thats why shes still awake! really could do with the extra pair of hands!
Don't let social services hear me say this, but a drop of whisky in toddler's milk works wonders.
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trust me shes a nasty drunk she got a friends can of cider (we rarely have alchahol in this house) oh god must have been last year and she was vile, then started singing then giggling and then eventually fell asleep!
She sounds just like me!
Oh my goodness, two devils reincarnated!

tried the bath, read and butt patting, firewatch?
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lolo a drunken version of twinkle twinkle little star made us giggle, really shouldnt have but it was comical and she was fine the next day, well a bit grouchy lol.
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yup all of those and then some, shes on warm milk now that nocks me out! I dont usually give her a drink after tea time but im trying anything before alchahol lol, i think my hubby has a bottle of whiskey hidden somewhere!
So long as she sleeps threw,mine,now 26,didn't sleep a full 3 hours until he was 10
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finally i have just shut her in her room and put the dogs to bed as well, ad to phone my husband in the end to get him to talk to her, oh bugger it shes still running round For Funks Sake!!
I'm mystified...............the daughter was always in bed by 7pm when little, never heard a peep out of her.
That's probably because you gave her a tot of rum and a fag, Craft.
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Ours is a nightmare because at night times when very small she ad to held to get to sleep as she had open sores all over her body.i thought i had broken the cycle but nup !!
Do you have a problem with that Mike :-)
Not at all, Craft, only wish my own mother had been so caring and considerate.
I've got my 8 month old granddaughter here tonight and she usually is asleep by 8pm, she's only just gone to sleep! Missed most of wallender, mind you, that usually sends me to sleep too!
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well I ahve bougt her back down whilst i finish watching my tv, shes got two cold sores on her chin, and is pulling at her mouth (shes 2 1/2) cant see any teeth cutting but she has bitten her cheek kids eh?!
Each to their own...................

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