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Captain Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger III

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Bazile | 00:21 Tue 10th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
With an impressive sounding name like that - there wasn't any doubt that he would have averted a disaster - innit ?

I think that it was the ' III ' bit that made the difference

If i'm ever in a tight spot , I want someone with a name like that , riding to my rescue .


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The right man in the right place at the right time - and yeah, a good name too ...
I would never style myself with the suffix "The Third" if for no other reason than that certain mischievous persons might decide to adopt the Irish pronunciation of said suffix.
I suppose the III just means the parents are rather bad at thinking up names. Give him Grandpa's one.
Seemingly this is not a joke:

The film " The Madness of King George", starring Nigel Hawthorne, was originally entitled "The Madness of George III". This was changed in deference to American cinemagoers who wondered why they had not already seen "The Madness of George I and II".
Yes, we also were confused by Ocean's Eleven, with most saying that Ocean's Eight was really the best of the bunch....
This is off topic so report me if you must, but the mention of Georges recalled to mind the following ditty:

George the First was always reckoned
Vile, but viler George the Second;
And what mortal ever heard
Any good of George the Third?
When from earth the Fourth descended
(God be praised!) the Georges ended.

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Captain Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger III

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