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Made me smile :)

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Eve | 22:32 Wed 11th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Heading to bed but just found this and thought I'd share as it made me smile :)



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That's brilliant, thanks for sharing!
Do you mind? I'm trying to diet and that has made me feel hungry. Did make me smile though. I used to love the Cookie Monster when the kids were small.
I prefer the cheescake song
OMG Hopkirk - I'm going to bed before I succumb to temptation and eat something.
You'll probably eat your pillow in your sleep now.
Ive borrowed it hehehe <3 xx
Ive decided i really want a muppet. A sesame street kind....ive met a few human muppets ! X
I have always liked this one.

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Made me smile :)

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