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Vicky Minus Five

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joggerjayne | 19:55 Thu 12th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Day 3 of Victoria Coren's WSOP event starts in 5 minutes.

She's turned up on time (and seems quite pleased about that, cos she was a bit tight for Day 2).

Go Vicky !


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6,598 players entered.

The top 666 win money (yes, 666!)

They are down to 1,765 at the moment.
she arrived tight?
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Tight for time.

She's doing well this session. She's gone from 7,000 to ...

... 14,000 ... 28,000 ... 30,000 ... 32,000

Vicky is on a roll.
yah. go vicky go.
And..... she's been knocked out.

Went all-in with a "Dream hand" and the guy she was up against had pocket Jacks, He got a Jack in the flop and that was all she wrote (Or Tweeted).
oh b****r
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Oh buns I was beginning to enjoy this commentary. ;-(
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Shall we make it up so we don't disappoint AYG?

Wait ... I've just heard ... there's been a mistake. Vicky is NOT knocked out, after all. When she tweeted that she was "out", she was referring to her glass being empty.

She's just won another hand with a nice pair of K,K ... chip count now 200,000.

Go Vicky!
and she shoots straight through the hoop from 40 feet

hang on
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