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Ooh, Yay ...

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joggerjayne | 19:43 Thu 12th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
COSTCO had the new Peter James novel in today.

Obviously I didn't buy it from COSTCO ... I got it in Daunts in Marylebone, but I only knew it was out because I saw it in COSTCO.

I drove up into Smelly London today. The drive from Croydon through South London almost redefines "depressing". Still ... all the jollier to be back home, so Yay my home town, and boo sucks London.


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for £1300 you could get a smoked whale, with a garnish of endangered species.
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Look, I didn't spend £1,300 on smoked salmon, okay??

I did most of my friends' shopping for them.
I reserved mine at the local library, just love Inspector Grace dont you ?

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