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McMouse | 10:39 Fri 13th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I think John Terry will get a 'Not Guilty' verdict today.


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Course he will, and even if he didn't. Will hardly impact on his apparently
charmed life will it?

One rule for one and all that.
Do you mean people might actually believe his defence?
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Ferdinand didn't even think he'd been racially abused until his girlfriend explained in to him later.
of course, didnt Harry Renapp ?
I also think a Not Guilty verdict will be brought in - as I stated in another thread Ferdinand was not blameless in this fracas, and with Ashley Cole's testimony ........
I bl@@dy hope so,I think it's been completely OTT.
I think he'll be found guilty but with a lot of mitigation found.

I bet we don't get the terse "I find the case proved" or "...not proved" which is usual. We'll get some reasoned verdict, like a High Court or County Court one. That will be to reduce options for appeal if it's a conviction; the magistrate won't want a case for appeal to the High Court on a point of law, which both sides can pursue; and will want to explain the decision on the facts for the media. If convicted, Terry's appeal is to the Crown Court. That would be a complete rehearing before a Crown Court Judge and two magistrates. What fun; the whole thing all over again, unless the CPS abandon the case on appeal.
Won't really make any difference to him either way.

So a bloke gets jailed for tweeting racist stuff about a footballer but Terry could get a max £2500, what a farce
Bit of a difference there, Elvis.
I think he will too - though I hope he doesn't he's a complete joke of a man let alone player
It's not illegal to not live by other peoples moral standards.
Not guilty, don't like the man, but whole thing totally OTT.
Probably not guilty - but it would be good for the 2 'footballers' to pay the costs of the proceedings
I think he'll get a 'Not Guilty'.................but I think he is.
Not really OTT, you can't go around calling black people FBCs
lol Elvis, that reminded me of Holby City..................."I want his F's B's and C's" will never seem the same again.
So do I. He's an arse, but not necessarily a racist arse.
Hi folks, long time no see (read...hear....)
Well the jury is in "Not guilty" , so Elvis you cannot accuse him of calling a black person a FBC -

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