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attn Mrs Overall

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Dee Sa | 09:32 Mon 09th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
87 Answers
I cant rest is it a tattoo parlour ?
Dee x


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Most of the girls I saw at Wigan Casino were wearing at least one garment bought ( or nicked ) from Chelsea Girl.
sounds about right tony.
Wotcha mean ?
Only that everybody wore it to the disco.

Shopping was three of you on a saturday morning, one in the queue, one trying things on and the other one running about changing things for the other two. And you bought yer sobranies n the way home.
How very dare you call the legendary Wigan Casino a disco!
I have spent many a Saturday morning / afternoon sitting outside those bloody changing rooms in Chelsea Girl ext at the Bull Ring Birmingham, With the occasional question '' What do you think of this ''.
Never, ever take a bloke shopping!

wot this disco?
Yes lol.

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attn Mrs Overall

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