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Name calling

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owdhamer | 23:21 Sun 15th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Watching the box with one eye a senior officer called a junior officer a slubberdegullion,eh


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Web definitions

A filthy, slobbering person; a sloven, a villain, a fiend, a louse; A worthless person; A drunk, and/or an alcoholic

n.s. [I suppose a cant word without derivation.] A paltry, dirty, sorry wretch.

bog-trotter, boor, bumpkin, cad, carle, chaw-bacon, chuff, churl, clod, clodhopper, clown, countryman, cub, curmudgeon, fellah, gaffer, gamin, groundling, hayseed, hewers of wood and drawers of water, hind, hobnail, kern, longshoreman, looby, loon, lout, low fellow, lunkhead, peasant, plowboy, ...

(noun): a mean, slovely oaf
My goodness owdhammer i'd have knocked his block off. John Terry's rant was nothing on that.
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A politician then mamya?

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Name calling

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