Thanks for your kind words in a mo.
As you may know, I am fortunate to have a part-time career as a music writer, which serves my ever-growing passion for music very well.
i am often asked by people my age (I am fifty-seven) why I am still so passionate about music? My answer has to be carefully phrased so as not to appear aggresive, but it's basically - Why are you not passionate anymore! I have simply carried on with the passion I have had since i was in my teens, you are the one who has lost it - and that seems odd to me, even though I am in a seriously small minority given my abuility to pursue my passion by meeting and interviewing musical heroes on a regular basis.
It is a shame that the music industry has become top-heavy with the 'industry' bit, which hias increasingly less to do with cutting-edge worthwile lasting music, and everything to do with lowest common denominator TV-based bland forgettable pop. Oh well, i will carry on until I am no l,onger able, and when I go, assuming the present Mrs Hughes rememebrs, my coffin will decend into the flames to the sound of the attached.