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To confuse the hard of thinking

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Duncer | 02:10 Mon 23rd Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
A well known band from Dublin, (check their name out, there is a clue), singing a much misappropriated song.

I am tipsy and missing home desperately, but not in the pathetically partisan way so many people misconstrue the beautiful city I was born in.....................

No intention to offend anyone, nor can I see how it should.


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By the way, by the "hard of thinking" I was referring to those who fail to recognoie that there are several ways to look at Northern Ireland.
tae hell wi' ye or awa' tae yer pit an' The Blues 4 Foreign Devils 0
It is certainly a lovely wee country.
Loved t song, by the way, Duncer.
go raibh maith agat
Hi Duncer.....awful when you get a bit too.

Spotit. The most beautiful wee country. x
Thanks Duncer, that takes me back..............

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To confuse the hard of thinking

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