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Pitcherwits todays mail

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dickythecook | 14:39 Mon 23rd Jul 2012 | Crosswords
5 Answers
So shocked am I by the price of milk that I need help with todays puzzle.
9a picture clue. a walking stick, a +sign, and a bulls head. .. 3 words, 4, 3, 4.
and 5d. Exactly how the fruit gets a bad start, 5 letters. I have p?u??.
TIA dtc


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9a. Cain and Abel
9a Cain and Abel?
Stick = cane/cain
+ = and
Abel = A (say it to rhyme with hay) bel (say it like bull).
What do you think of my answer?
5d might be prune
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How thick am I? Thanks to you all for saving my sanity. I haven't seen a cane since my schooldays. That is my excuse and I am STICKing to it.

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Pitcherwits todays mail

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