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A weekend of...

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Mamyalynne | 23:23 Sun 22nd Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
Full and frank opinions, whether asked for or not, leading to upset for some and I guess empowerment for others, today I read this.....

"****** Ignore mamya, she is a simple soul who lives in a make believe world that people like her music threads."
(the starred out word is not a rude one)

I will add that if I was as simple as the one who wrote it then I would not be allowed out on my own.

So that leaves me with a decision to make........


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Good morning mamya. Don't stop....or I may be forced to give you a slap with my Marigolds xx
boxy most of the bad stuff is posted by abers with a false name this then gets a response from people who are not allowed to post on here so use that site as there main chat site
SAB is a cyber trash canister. Banned Abers post there.
so if you get a couple of bad apples would you say the whole tub is bad
I love the goodnight threads, it introduces songs that I would never of heard of. keep it going and do remember that plenty of Muppets are allowed on-line.

earworm... shine on you crazy diamond
I've wandered over for a look now and agan and a lot of the posts are pretty dreary... not worth the bother or attention..
Mamyalynne, don't stop doing what you enjoy doing, we have had Mrs O give up because of bullying. Just keep calm and carry on x
I sometimes have a look too Rowan, you have summed it up.
start your morning the way it ends with some decent music
that should be the way the day ends -)
I'm a simple soul! I'm not usually up late enough to catch your music thread. However, each to his own, no animals were harmed in the making of that thread ....
You obviously bring a lot of pleasurre to a lot of ABers, so keep going Mamya. Don't let the buzzards grind you down.
oh mama don't even give them the satisfaction - they window lick so much!!

I see i have been mentioned in dispatches again over there!

They are sad individuals that do not have anything better to do in life but moan about a site they are banned from.

I learnt a long hard lesson - and i will not let them get to me any longer xxx
lol, wonder what they write about me if they can find summat derogatory to say about you mamya! mind you if I could remember my password for over there I'd wade in and give em it right back. not been able to log in there since before it got suspended.
your password for this site will allow you to post on that site
ignore the nasties ?
it is regually frequented by non banned regular ABers too , but in a somewhat differant style.
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And also some who retain their style.
Thank you mamyalynne, I think you are showing us all how to ignore sick bullies and that we can all be targets.
You helped me a lot when I first joined and guided me through some pitfalls,
so again thanks and a lot of us enjoy your late night music thread, especially if having a sleepless night, it's nice to know there's a friend awake out there
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Oh Sibton that is kind of you to say, we were all new once - I was a gibbering wreck and messed things up a lot (still do).

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