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Birthday wishes

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DaisyNonna | 22:59 Mon 23rd Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Happy birthday Sib. Sorry I did not know earlier.


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who knows, please tell me
03/06/1944 - the war was still going on - probably explains a lot about me.
ooh, a birthday, sibton? Many happy returns!

Who's the oldest here, is it the Ed? Come to think of it, when's the Ed's birthday?
you mean his real one, or the official public holiday one?
Is the Ed the Queen?
one of his part-time jobs, I believe. Editing doesn't pay enough to keep a palace going.
Wharton - in the book
mamyalynne - what book?
Dang it, missed it. Hope you had a lovely day Sib xx
Belated happy returns, I hope you had a great day.
<<clears throat>>

Happeeeeee Birthday tooooooo yoooooooou xxxx

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