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excelsior-1 | 23:48 Tue 24th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
hello spotit3

check the most recent entry on my avatar programme thread.

yours is happening tomorrow morning.


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I thought you were keeping this to one thread...................
link to it at least excelsior - forgotton where to find it. I'll go look.
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yes. apologies.

saw a post from spotit on the right and decided to alert her.

this is partly because the one i had for today seems to have been missed by the person for which it was intended.

i'll not do it again. (slapped hand)
Question Author

i do not have the knowledge or skill to create links.

i'm assuming you could find it by looking at my profile.
I most certainly will not miss Cliffie!
Thanks again. Not sure if I was supposed to thank you on this post or the other so thought I would do it twice. I mean, he is worth it after all, even if Dee Sa doesn't think so! Brings me back to my youth. His birthday is same day as mine.

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