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spotit3 | 02:15 Thu 26th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
91 Answers
Good Morning one and all.


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Morning all. :o)
Mornin' Spot and all you lovely ABers....bit dull in Barnsley and feeling a bit sad as my lovely grand kids are off back to Switzerland after the three week holiday..I'll miss em like L but we do have Skype so at least I'll see and hear them...

Have a Nice one all...
Morning Naomi x Hope all is well.

Morning Comm x
How many kiddies and ages? It'll be so quiet :-(
Morning all and once again thank you for you lovely condolences.

A bit overcast and cooler so far today.
Bucked myself up and went on my badger watch last night. So glad I did. Two hours on a lovely night in a hide in the woods was bliss. Only one badger twice, or maybe two badgers once! Beautiful barn owl and bats. Did me the world of good so I`ll go again.

Two workmen arriving soon. Bet one wants the water on and one will want it off. Fisiticuffs!!!
Morning gness xxxxx Nice to 'see' you.

Badger spotting eh? Any rangers maimed?
Oh Alba....even I wouldn`t maim the lovely Simon. Young, gorgeous, knew so much about wildlife and a voice to die for. Just gazed but kept my distance. x
Morning Gness - how are you and the family? Hope you are all bearing up - been thinking of you all. With love Ann x
Morning gness, glad you had a good evening, just what the Doc would order - not Sqad's Ibuprofen. Heading out myself now - don't know if we have the freezer/fridges lift yet but other jobs to do.
Hi Ann. Coming to terms I suppose, but imagining the huge hole this lovely man is going to leave and getting angry about all he is going to miss.

So touched by the support from Abers, posts, texts and phone calls,emails and the most touching and moving poem from DT. xx
Morning all

Slight 'head' this morning - must remember that fluff is an Olympic standard quaffer and I'm a bit 'blue square conference'.

Work again from mid-morning today - but should be home late afternoon for a quiet beer in the garden ...

Be good

d xx
Hi Alba....Zoë is 9 and Louis 7....a right boatload they are too but so loving....they usually talk German but my German is pretty awful. Fortunately the do speak English....which almost the broad Yorkshire that I speak..;-)

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