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Free broadband

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sherrardk | 16:08 Fri 27th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Just had someone from Talk Talk at the door going on about everyone should be getting free broadband - is this true or a load of old nonsense? (Himself deals with all of that because I can't be arsed to research it)


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Why should we ?

Did they tell you why ?
I would give talk talk a very wide berth if I were you.
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There was someone else around a couple of months ago claiming the same thing. This lot are calling backs to talk to himself later (only way to get rid of them, they're very persistent).
Red alert Read alert ....
Talk Talk are are terrible to do business with.
However to my advantage ...
After 3 phone calls and 2 e-mail , they are still not charging me line rental.
They deduct £9.50 every month , then credit it back to my account.
This has been going on for over a year.

They also give me 50% off my call and broadband package.
So for the last year I have been paying £7.25 a month :-)

Maybe he meant they are so incompetent they will fail to charge you ?
Several ISPs are offering "free" deals at the moment. They are short-term offers and depend on your signing up to a contract including line rental and/or phone packages.
Personally, I wouldn't sign with TalkTalk even if the whole lot was free!
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Our current set up a mess - phone line and broadband from PO and calls from sky (no, I have no idea why it is like this, something to do with there being no space left on other provider's Internet thing). Our Internet is really slow (it's a problem in the village) and it is the one thing guaranteed to wind himself up - I will let him sort it out.
lol SirAndy............When I went on loan to work in one of BT's London offices I discovered that a large City customer with 120 lines had not been charged for any calls (just equipment rental) for more than 2 years. They weren't happy when I sent them a corrected bill.
I'm with Talktalk.

They are not so bad, but they are not free.
They are a joke! I am with Talktalk but only until my contract runs out (too expensive to get out of the contract) they rang yesterday and told me they had an offer to my advantage. When I said "ok I'm listening, tell me what it is" (think he nearly fell off his chair!) He was so flummoxed as he wasn't talking about my broadband contract at all, he was really offering me a mobile phone contract at higher prices than Orange (my current provider) He was a very nice friendly type so I patiently explained what my contract gave me - how many free mins and no of texts etc. He argued and argued that TT was better but in the end he had to concede I was right, Orange was better in my case as I only use my mobile for texting. I think they are on a big marketing push at the moment as there are better offers around. Anyone got Sky broadband/calls/mobile/TV - all combined, I was wondering if this was a good deal?
I'm a Virgin, (customer, that is), and pay £37 per month for Tivo box, broadband, free phone calls 24 hours a day and including 0845 and 0870 numbers. Must admit I've stayed with Orange as I find it a better deal and we don't get a lot of programmes others get if they pay more but those we get are enough for us. When our annual contract runs out next April we will use a Freeview box a friend is giving us and get rid of the Tivo box. (Shhhhhh. Don't tell them that though).
Orange mobile, that is.
I am a talk talk customer and have free broadband.

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