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what are the girls carrying in the parade?

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venator | 23:24 Fri 27th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Each country is accompanied by a person - not all girls, sorry, in Greek dress, carrying what looks like a big copper funnel - any ideas, please?


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Olympic petals
i reckon they comtain fireworks or lights which will be lit around the tree later
they said earlier that they will play a big part through the olypics. I thought they may be going on the tree
sick bags
Copper petals apparently.
The commentators will not say, they do not want to spoil surprise. It has to be something to do with lighting the flame.
Brilliant! :-)
What an idiot! I thought Hazel said "copper petals".....she obviously said copper kettles! Duh! lol
Jerry cans ....
Question Author
Ha ha!! now we know! a DIY flamey thing...
My Daughter thought they were Shewees in case anyone got caught short.
That crossed my warped mind too, mamya.

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what are the girls carrying in the parade?

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