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What are your plans for today?

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mrs_overall | 09:03 Sat 28th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
I'm going to a vintage fair this morning and this afternoon I plan to tackle the South Col of Mount Ironing. It is so tall I may need oxygen to reach the summit.


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Went to Specsavers four years ago and they mentioned talking to my doctor, so I haven't been since.
Same here sibton, but last year !
Up early, been shopping, plan to tackle the climbing rose this afternoon - at least, that part of it which is starting to come in our second floor bedroom window :-)

Oh, and read a bit more of 50 shades....
Watching the ordinary miracle of a turning tide & hoping for enough water to get us wherr we need to be by this afternoon
Where have you got to be sloopy ?.
Tonyav, check for pinched cables on the warning light issue. we ahd a problem in our bmw estate and it was a trapped cable :)
What are your plans for today?

mostly to badger the miserable anti olympic sods on here .... play poker and gamble on the horses.
Oh and play on the Wii

I am the finest downhill skier bar none.
Cheering for Cav this afternoon I hope M-T ?
break some olympic records M-T
Well little fires plans today are to use her step stool as a diving board into the paddling pool, olympian in the making!
bless her.

hope she does well.
My plans are going up the spout because I`m following Mick-T with the badgering bit.
I'm armchair coaching the Olympic rowers.
I was going to go to the pub to meet some friends then come home and chill in the garden with a book and maybe a glass of something.

Instead I am waiting for the local hedgehog rescue to call me back so I can take my lame hedgehog that I captured this morning to them.

She is currently in a box with food and water trying to escape, seeing her nose and paws pop through the handle opening in the box is very cute, but rather sad too :-(
Afternoon Mrs. O. Just waiting for my Dad to arrive - he wants a haircut, so I will be giving him his usual 'Tony Curtis' . I love cutting hair, its the clearing up afterwards thats a pain.
I have a recipe for hedgehog soup somewhere - tried it in Guangzhou, China - a little, surprisingly peppery in flavour.
She's looking a tad skinny tbh DTC, maybe OK for stock though......

Quing Ping market in Ghuanzhou, is a very interesting experience. "Oh my we're in the pet area, no sorry this is the butchers.........."

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